Hi, I'm Aswin Rajasekharan
I'm simply a Full Stack Developer
Here insertion and updation in the student database is fully automated using python
Student Information System
A Project that selected for SMART INDIA HACKATHON 2019 Grand Finale which aims to reduce e-waste using e-commerce
E-Waste Management
The UI of slack clone is built with pure HTML and CSS. CSS flexbox feature was really helpful during the process of development. While working on this project I got oppurtunity to experiment with SVG files to build a robust UI.
Slack Clone
A react app with beautiful UI built with pure HTML and CSS. No extra frameworks like bootstrap or tailwind is used. The goal of this project is to replace the current boring UI of mail clients with an attractive UI that provides smooth UX.
A Modern e-mail client
A simple but modern cross platform social networking application made with Flutter and Android Studio
Mobile Social Networking App
I'm passionate about writing code. So I build like Websites, Mobile Applications and simple CLI programs. I consider myself as a Full Stack Developer cause I have did backend stuff using Django, Laravel ExpressJS. All of these tools are used to make API endpoints including both RestAPI and GraphQL.